Gulf Management Systems, Inc.

Your partner for fast, affordable electronic payment solutions.

Client Profile Sheet - Shark Processing

Company Information

All information is required for processing approval
Business Info
Legal Info
Principal Owner
Business Primary Contact
Technical Contact
Banking Information
These questions regard you, your company, its officers, as well as its subsidiaries and parents.

Gulf Management Systems, Inc. (GMS) is a Third-Party Payment Processor (TPPP) regarding Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions and an Independent Sales Organization (ISO) regarding Merchant Services. GMS has been in business since 1991 and has over three decades of payment processing experience. The information you provide on behalf of your business on this intake form is for the purpose of creating account(s) with GMS to process payments. GMS is collecting said information for the purpose of fulfilling GMS' regulatory requirements under applicable Federal and State laws and otherwise to facilitate necessary business functions.